Here are some cool links in different categories. This is mostly for me to refer people to, but they are interesting so have a look. I don’t often see pages like this on other sites and I was wondering how legal this page is but a quick google search found this beauty. I think I am ok in posting these, but if anyone has any issues with me linking to their site please contact me using the email found in my contact page. Also let me know if any links are dead and I will update or take them down.
- A great book on waves. Going up a directory on the site gives lots of miscellaneous notes on physics topics.
- Great notes on the Maxwell stress tensor. Again, going up a directory or 2 gives lots of excellent notes.
- Cool gifs and explanation of Newton’s method of root finding
- Sam’s Laser FAQ
- Everything you could ever want to know about lasers is an easy to navigate format
- Fermi questions
- Fasted
- The holy grail of math and physics applets.
- One of the better Python tutorials I have seen. It is written like a book and broken into manageable sections. Very easy to find what you want. This is specific to numeric programing in Python 3, but there are several other topics on the site.
- A great open source book on programing in Python 3. It moves a little slow but the explanations are fantastic. I use it mainly to reference things that I can’t figure out from other places.
- Family tree of music displayed in a really elegant way.
- Who doesn’t like NPR tiny desk concerts?!
- One of my favorite blogs. All kinds of fascinating ways to look at data and solve puzzles. I found it in 2017 looking for an optimal strategy for Risk.